Tuesday, May 14

Blazing the Trail: Cannabis Infographic from The Conference Board of Canada

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Infographic by The Conference Board of Canada

This is a great infographic courtesy of The Conference Board of Canada. Their detailed and full report on what legalized cannabis means for the Canadian workplace is truly eye-opening. Since we’re a workplace training company we wanted to focus on the sections from the report that relate to cannabis in the workplace.

The three sections that stand out are:

  • Impairment
  • Workplace Alcohol and Drug Policies
  • Education and Prevention


The Conference Board of Canada conducted a survey of employers in spring of 2018 and found that over half of respondents were either concerned or very concerned about legalized cannabis and its effects on the workplace.

Safety is at the top of mind for most places and with THC Testing Methods to be uncertain or not enough research to have conclusive results, employers have to look towards what is recommended as part of the criminal code and create best practices and policies in their own workplaces.

Workplace Alcohol and Drug Policies

For many Canadian workplaces, it may be a matter of updating or amending their existing policies for recreational cannabis. However, more safety-sensitive workplaces may need to create new policies for possession of cannabis and cannabis impairment. Both the Conference Board of Canada and Cannabis Training Academy recommend consulting with legal partners to ensure that your policies adhere to privacy and human rights of employees.

Education and Prevention

Educating and investing in education by employers may be the key to preventing employees from unintentionally experimenting or using cannabis products and becoming too “high” or provide chronic users with the information they need to find help.

The Conference Board of Canada suggests information on differing quantities of THC and the different methods of consumption. Another recommendation is for workplaces to have Employee Assistance Programs that may offer employees confidential help with addiction or cannabis related questions. With legalization, more individuals will have access to cannabis products and employers may want to consider efforts to reduce the stigma related to using cannabis. For many Millennials and Generation Z

What Cannabis Training Academy Offers

The Cannabis Workplace Safety Online Training course for both employees and employers looks to provide the information and knowledge that will allow workers and workplaces to make informed decisions on cannabis and policies related to legalized cannabis. The two courses offer specific information for employees and employers. Employers will be required to take both courses to have a full scope of the good and bad with cannabis in workplaces.

The course features:

  • cannabis effects related to impairment
  • risk management in safety-sensitive industries
  • employer and employee duties around accommodation and work fitness
  • federal, provincial and municipal legislative differences regarding the consumption of cannabis
  • impairment management and risk management
  • safely adapting to the legalization of cannabis
  • common deficits in safety programs regarding cannabis

For more information on the two courses or have any questions, please contact 1-800-465-3366.



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